Thank you!!
Last week we flooded you with daily posts on varying subjects in Massage Therapy for #MassageTherapyAwarenessWeek. We just wanted to thank you all for your support, comments, likes and feedback on the articles we've written so far. Also, please share any articles with your friends or loved ones if you think our post would interest/be helpful to them. We love our careers as Massage Therapists and sharing all that knowledge with you! If you missed any of the topics (Body Awareness, Prenatal Massage, Shoulder injury, Sports Massage, or Massage and Mental Health) sure to scroll back and check out a few of them!
This month we are practicing Gratitude and Thankfulness on our Instagram page @massagehope so follow us for the rest of our #ThankfulNovember over on instagram!
Awesome clients like you are why we do this job! You're the reason we want to get better and learn and share more! Please send us your questions and thank you again for taking the time to read!!
*As always if you have any questions about us or massage therapy feel free to call the office at (703) 858-2323 or email them to